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Ministry of Education New Zealand

It incorporates and replaces the Education Acts 1964 and 1989 and implements changes from the Education Work Programme.

Administrative changes

The Act repealed and replaced all major existing education and training legislation.

It is intended to be simpler, more user friendly and less prescriptive than the previous legislative framework.

The Education and Training Act 2020:

  • introduces a new structure that follows the journey of students through education, starting with early learning, moving to schooling and then tertiary and vocational training,
  • moves some prescriptive detail directly into regulations (so these provisions will not be found in the Act),
  • moves other detailed provisions into schedules at the end of the Act, with "sunset clauses", meaning that they will expire after a set period of time and new regulations will need to be developed to replace them, and
  • retains large parts of the existing education legislation, which were transferred into the Act unchanged. We took the opportunity to update some of the language throughout the Act where we could do so without changing the effect of the law itself.

Streamlining education legislation

System-wide changes

Changes relating to early childhood education including ngā kōhanga reo

Changes for New Zealand schools

Tertiary and international education

Planning and reporting for school boards

The Act also incorporates provisions relating to planning and reporting that were introduced by the Education (Update) Amendment Act 2017. These provisions came into effect before 1 January 2023.

Planning and reporting of school boards

Regulatory impact assessments and supplementary analysis reports

A number of amendments in the Education and Training Act required a regulatory impact assessment or a supplementary analysis report to be prepared.

Education and Training Act regulatory impact assessments and supplementary analysis report