Aotearoa New Zealand's histories in schools and kura

Through the Education Conversation | Kōrero Mātauranga and wider public discussion New Zealanders have made it clear that the current gaps in knowledge of our histories are not okay. We have heard a strong call for Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories to be taught to all students and ākonga at all schools. We want the next generation to be able to apply lessons from the past as they shape our future.

Given the calls from New Zealanders for this to change, we will be updating the National Curriculum, to make explicit the expectation that Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories will be part of the local curriculum and marau ā kura in every school and kura.

Once the content for the updates is known, existing supports will be reviewed and an implementation package will be developed that will enable all schools and kura to include the new content and learning expectations in their local curriculum and marau ā kura, working in partnership with their local communities and mana whenua.
Curriculum change takes time to scope, develop and implement collaboratively. Work to develop updated content and an implementation package will be undertaken over the next two years, ready for implementation in schools and kura from the 2022 school year.

The table below details advice provided that relates to this work.

Title of paper
METIS / Cabinet reference
14 June 2019 Briefing Note: Teaching of Te Tiriti o Waitangi Follow-up [PDF, 1 MB] 1194902
23 August 2019 Briefing Note: Aotearoa New Zealand's History [PDF, 1.2 MB] 1203007
30 August 2019 Education Report: Including New Zealand history within the National Curriculum [PDF, 1.1 MB] 1204074
6 September 2019 Aide Memoire: New Zealand's Histories in Schools and Kura - Hon Hipkins [PDF, 869 KB] 1204767
6 September 2019 Aide Memoire: New Zealand's Histories in Schools and Kura - Hon Davis [PDF, 649 KB] 1204768
9 September 2019 New Zealand's Histories in Schools and Kura [PDF, 979 KB] CAB-19-MIN-0455

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