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This funding addressed urgent needs in over 3,300 schools, kura and early learning services me ngā kōhanga reo.
Regional groups of leaders, working with the Director of Education, identified priority needs in each region and decided how the local allocation of the $50 million fund be distributed to make a difference for children and young people.
The Urgent Response Fund was available for four categories of need:
- attendance
- wellbeing to support attendance
- cultural wellbeing to support attendance
- re-engagement in learning.
Support was provided for individuals, groups of young people, a whole school or service, or a cluster of schools, kura, early learning services me ngā kōhanga reo working together.
The Urgent Response Fund ended on 30 June 2021.
Regional allocation
The URF fund was allocated to regions using the Equity Index to ensure an equitable funding approach that prioritises where the greatest needs are.
Education region | Total funding |
Tai Tokerau | $2,903,385 |
Auckland | $14,510,125 |
Waikato | $5,246,328 |
Bay of Plenty/Waiariki | $4,434,844 |
Hawke's Bay/Tairawhiti | $3,340,310 |
Taranaki/Whanganui/Manawatu | $3,988,202 |
Wellington | $5,246,938 |
Nelson/Marlborough/West Coast | $1,855,707 |
Canterbury/Chatham Islands | $5,222,717 |
Otago/Southland | $3,251,445 |
NZ | $50,000,000 |
Distribution of funding
URF funding information is available for the financial year 2020/21.
Description of the reports
The All Funded Institutions report provides the total funding data for each institution that received funding directly. This may be for their own school, kura, early learning service or kōhanga reo and/or as the main applicant for a cluster application.
The Institutions Supported through Cluster Applications report provides the institutions which are included in each region’s cluster applications. The main applicant is in bold and the names of the other institutions in the cluster are provided below. The amount of funding and number of learners is also shown.
A cluster is a group of schools, kura, early learning services and/or ngā kōhanga reo that can make a joint application to the URF. One of the institutions submits the application and receives the funding on behalf of the cluster. This institution is referred to as the main applicant.
The reports provide funding information on $49.8 million. A further $0.2 million was distributed in July 2020 through paper-based forms. No distribution data is available for this funding.
Reports on the distribution of the Urgent Response Fund in each education region.