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Schools, kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo can open
The decision was informed by the daily review of the Direction, taking into account information from Waka Kotahi who provide input to the Auckland Emergency Management Situational Report. The information from Waka Kotahi includes a high level of confidence in the weather settling, and that water is draining more quickly than expected.
Some roads are closed, and some may remain so for the next few days, however it now seems reasonable for this to be managed without needing a direction to close.
The lifting of the Direction does not mean that schools, kura, early learning services and kōhanga reo have to open from tomorrow. It does allow those schools and services that can open, to do so.
Bulletins | Ngā Pānui
Detailed information can be found on the bulletins website.
Ministry of Education bulletins for the education sector
Subscribe to the Early Learning Bulletin
The Early Learning Bulletin is published on the Bulletins website soon after it is emailed to subscribers.
To subscribe, email [email protected] and request to be added to the mailing list. Include your organisation name, email address and region.
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National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) updates
Information on 'how to keep safe' and 'what to do' – NEMA website
Updates for Auckland
Auckland Emergency Management website
Auckland Emergency Management Facebook
Updates for Waitomo, Waikato
Waikato Region Emergency Management website
Waitomo District Council Facebook
Civil Defence Centres
Those who need to evacuate and cannot stay with friends or whānau can go to a Civil Defence Centre.
- West: Leonards Road School, 15 Saint Leonards Road, Kelston
- North: Massey University Albany Campus, Sir Neil Walters Lecture Theatre, Massey University East Precinct, Albany Expressway SH17
- South: Mana Tukutuku, 32 Riverton Drive, Randwick Park.
Bring with you any essential items you may need – for example, medication, warm clothing, baby items.
More information is available on the Auckland Council’s website.
Ministry of Social Development (MSD) contact numbers
Support and assistance may be available if you've been affected by flooding in your region.
Dedicated line for impacted residents
Urgent accommodation assistance
Accommodation for those who have COVID-19
Where people have COVID-19 and must leave their homes and cannot be accommodated with other whānau, the number to call is Health 021 227 4908.
Marae across Auckland
Marae across Auckland are offering support, including the Manukau Urban Māori Authority, Papakura Marae and Manurewa Marae.
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