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Ministry of Education New Zealand
Child playing with letter in early learning centre

Regulation Minister David Seymour has confirmed the first regulatory sector review will be into early childhood education.

Minister Seymour’s announcement –

The Ministry for Regulation sector review team will start the review immediately, working closely with the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office.=


The scope of the review will be broad, and will examine the regulatory systems for education, health, safety, child protection, food safety, buildings, and workplaces as they apply to the early childhood sector. The review won’t be looking at funding settings for the early childhood education sector.

Download below a copy of the early childhood education regulatory review’s terms of reference.

pdf thumbnailTerms of Reference for the regulatory sector review of ECE

This review is going to be important because it will help make sure that the rules are good for everyone and make economic sense, saving time and improving outcomes for our children.


A range of engagement methods will be used to gather information for the review, focusing on where rules and regulations result in bad outcomes.

Engagement will happen with those impacted by, and subject to, the early childhood education regulatory system, including regulated parties, such as ECE business owners, and those who regulate the sector such as the Ministry of Education, as well as interested groups, such as unions, child advocacy organisations, research bodies, the early childhood education workforce, and the parents and caregivers who use the services of ECE providers.

More information

For more information about how the sector review connects with the Ministry’s early learning regulatory work programme, go to:

Early learning regulatory work