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Key changes
The key changes include:
- A set of ‘criteria for closing’ boards must use when making the decision.
- In 2025, boards can close their school for 4 half-days for curriculum related purposes. These half-days don’t need to be made up, so long as 6-week notice is given to whānau.
- Schools covering years 0-8 have to use the 4 curriculum half-days for Maths or Pāngarau PLD.
- Schools covering years 9-13 can use 2 half-days for general curriculum and assessment PLD and 2 half-days to prepare for the new curricula being implemented in 2026.
- Schools covering all years can determine how best to meet the requirements above.
- Boards can close their school for an additional 4 half-days per year that need to be made up, for purposes to be determined by the board based on the criteria for closing.
Criteria for closing
If a board wants to close its school for instruction during term time, it must:
- meet the minimum number of half days required under the regulations for the school year
- give at least 6 weeks’ notice to the community in advance of closing
- have a clear and justifiable purpose to close for instruction
- consider the impact closing will have on learners, whānau and local communities.
When deciding if a closing for instruction day is appropriate, we recommend boards consider the following.
- Whether closing for instruction may be aligned with other schools in their local area.
- The board’s ability to arrange supervision for ākonga when the school is closed.
There will be limits on some schools' ability to accommodate these final two points, particularly depending on its size and location. It is up to the board to decide on their relevance and applicability.
Schools needing to close for emergencies do not need to meet these criteria.
Closing during term time at the board’s discretion
Boards have ministerial approval to close their schools for instruction during term time for up to 4 half-days per year.
The half-days can be used at the board’s discretion and you don’t need permission to close, so long as the criteria for closing are met. These half-days need to be made up, either at the start or end of the year.
Closing for more than 4 ‘board’s discretion’ half-days requires approval from the Minister. Contact your local Te Mahau office to apply.
For clarity, the purpose for closing is determined by the board, so long as it meets the criteria for closing. These settings will be in place from Term 1 of 2025.
Schools do not need permission to close for emergencies. If your school needs to close due to an emergency, please contact your local Te Mahau office as soon as it is safe to do so.
Curriculum half-days 2025
The Minister of Education has granted schools permission to close for 4 additional half-days in 2025 for curriculum focused professional learning and development (PLD). These days do not need to be made up.
For schools and kura covering Years 0-8
The 4 curriculum half-days must be for the purpose of staff participating in maths or pāngarau PLD.
For schools and kura covering Years 9-13
The closures for 2 half days must be for the purpose of staff participating in curriculum- and assessment-related activities, and these closures may occur anytime during 2025.
The closures for 2 half days must be for the purpose of staff participating in activities to prepare for implementation of the English, Te Reo Rangatira, Maths and Pāngarau curricula in 2026, and these closures may only occur in Term 4 2025.
Parents and caregivers must have been given at least 6 weeks’ prior notice of the closure for all curriculum days.
Schools and kura that have some students in Years 0-8 and some students in Years 9-13 may only close for 4 half-days in total for curriculum-related matters during 2025. These schools and kura will need to work out how to make best use of the allocated 2 curriculum days so that the staff of the Year 0-8 students are focussed on maths and pāngarau PLD while other staff are focussed on other things as per the authorised purposes for schools and kura covering Years 9-13.
Mōhiohio anō
More information
Read the New Zealand gazette notices:
Curriculum days for 2025 - 2024-sl6465- New Zealand Gazette
Contact [email protected] or your local office.
We will provide more detailed guidance in March that will cover off the new settings in more detail and how to meet the requirements under the regulations.
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