Kaiako support material launched for Poto series

An exciting new teaching resource has been launched for the popular Poto storybook series.

Kaiako support material is now available to assist teachers to use the Poto series of books for teaching reading and writing. Kaiako will be able to use a variety of strategies to promote ākonga | learner critical thinking and inquiry skills.

Access the support material on Tāhūrangi:

Poto storybook series: Kaiako support material – Tāhurangi(external link)

The Poto series reflects authentic Pacific contexts and include stories depicting different Pacific cultures. The books help to grow and enhance learners’ language and literacy capabilities and support teachers to work in partnership with families.

The support material will help kaiako further create an environment that is empowering and culturally sustaining for Pacific learners and the pedagogical approaches that support bilingual children.

For ākonga, the Poto series enables them to see themselves in the stories, build on their prior knowledge and promote engagement to becoming biliterate.

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