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Ministry of Education New Zealand
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Where to read the reports

Read the reports on the Education Counts website.

Evaluation of Gifted Education Package – Education Counts

What the reports are

The combined reports include:

  • Evaluation of Gifted Education Package May 2024.
  • Mid-Way Short Evaluation Report Evaluation February 2023.

The focus of this evaluation was to provide insights relating to the 4 new components of the Gifted Education Package that were developed when the Learning Support Action Plan was developed. This included special attention given to the impacts for diverse ākonga | learners.

The 4 new components of the Gifted Education Package include:

  • Pito Mata, professional learning and development for early childhood kaiako | teachers.
  • Awards for teachers of gifted learners.
  • Awards for gifted learners.
  • Events and opportunities for gifted learners to extend their learning outside of school settings.

What the reports show

The evaluation produced findings on how the gifted education programme is supporting early childhood, teachers of gifted learners and gifted learners. 3 of the 4 elements of the Gifted package are either making a difference or have the potential to make a difference.

The evaluation tells us:

  • The main barrier for the Pito Mata was the method of delivery.
  • The teacher awards are having limited impact on meeting the needs of gifted learners.
  • If barriers to accessing the Awards for Gifted Learners are addressed, it can be a valuable tool for providing access to gifted education and support for diverse learners and their families.
  • Events and opportunities were found to have positive impacts for the learners involved.

What we are doing with the findings

The Ministry of Education is using the findings from the evaluation to review and improve the Gifted Education Package.

Some changes have already been made, including:

  • For the Pito Mata, the Ministry of Education worked with the provider to change the method of delivery to improve teacher uptake.
  • Using the mid-way report to inform the design and procurement of Supports for Gifted Learners in 2023.
  • Working to reduce barriers and address the limited diversity of applicants for the awards for gifted learners in the 2023 round.

The programme will be further reviewed to address the findings of the evaluation in 2024.