The Northland place-based initiative

Kainga Ora builds on the work of the Northland Social Wellbeing Governance Group (SWGG), an interagency group made up of local social sector leaders and iwi mandated representatives.

By taking a social investment approach in Northland, the focus is on supporting local leaders to build on what is already working well, and powering up their ability to provide integrated responses to 0-24 year olds who are at risk of poor outcomes, as well as their families and whānau.

Kainga Ora is partnering with communities to shift at risk behaviour patterns, and build communities that are capable, resilient and can help themselves. It will also work with the community to co-design responses for at risk groups investing in what will work to support them and the Northland community to be self-sustainable over time.

In the longer term, it is intended that SWGG becomes a social investment board.

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