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Ministry of Education New Zealand


The schools are Aidanfield Christian School, Emmanuel Christian School, Hillview Christian School, Middleton Grange School, Rangiora New Life School, and Rolleston Christian School.

This is to assist the Boards of these schools to manage situations where there is more demand for enrolments than there are places available within their maximum roll, provide a fair and transparent process for enrolment and to ensure we are making the best use of schooling facilities across the Christian Education Network.

Purpose and principles of an enrolment scheme – New Zealand Legislation

Enrolment schemes for State integrated schools – New Zealand Legislation

If there is, or is likely to be, more applicants for enrolment at a State integrated school than there are places available, the Ministry of Education must establish an enrolment scheme for the school. State integrated schools are not required to have a home zone but must accord priority to applicants for whom the school is a reasonably convenient school.

These proposed enrolment schemes identify areas of reasonable convenience for each school. These areas are identified in each enrolment scheme and in the maps below.

Map of Christian Education Network
Map of Christian Education Network

These enrolment scheme amendments are proposed to commence from 1 January 2026.

Note that all students who are already enrolled at these schools before the enrolment scheme amendments commence are entitled to stay at the school at which they are currently enrolled.

The proposals for each of these schools include an "Additional Entitlement to Enrol" provision. This kind of provision is often referred to as a “Grandparenting” clause. This provision proposes that Preference Applicants who are siblings of students enrolled at the date that the enrolment scheme amendment is implemented by the school's Board who (as a result of the enrolment scheme amendment) are no longer residing in that school’s catchment, will be considered as if they reside within the school’s catchment. Eligibility to enrol under this provision is subject to specific criteria. Please read the details of this provision within the proposed enrolment schemes and provide specific feedback if this affects you.

It is important that we hear and understand community perspectives before we establish these enrolment scheme amendments, especially the design of the enrolment categories and priorities, and also the areas defined as catchment of each school. These catchments are included in the enrolment schemes to meet the requirement under the Education and Training Act 2020 that the enrolment scheme must accord priority to applicants for whom the school is a reasonably convenient school.

This consultation process is about enrolment schemes, which determines the entitlement to enrol. See the frequently asked questions below for definitions of pre-enrolment and enrolment.

Enrolment schemes

Information about the consultation

Please read the applicable information below before taking part in the consultation.

Note some maps have areas of interest identified by letters. If you have comments relating to a specific area of interest, please identify the area using its allocated letter in your comments.

There are some areas that fall within the catchment of 2 CEN schools. Students within these areas would have a high priority of enrolment at both schools.

Aidanfield Christian School

pdf thumbnailProposed Enrolment Scheme
Aidanfield Christian School proposed map and areas of interest
Aidanfield Christian School proposed map and areas of interest
Aidanfield Christian School proposed map and areas of interest (zoom)
Aidanfield Christian School proposed map and areas of interest (zoom)

Note that there are 3 areas of potential overlap with the Year 1-10 catchment of Middleton Grange School (Areas B, C, and J).

We are seeking particular feedback on the inclusion/exclusion of Area J in the Aidanfield Christian School catchment. Inclusion of the area would provide a higher priority of enrolment at Aidanfield for students in this area, but would reduce the likelihood/number of places available for students outside the catchment.

Emmanuel Christian School

pdf thumbnailProposed enrolment scheme
Emmanuel Christian School - Proposed map and areas of interest
Emmanuel Christian School - Proposed map and areas of interest

Note that there is one proposed area of overlap with the Year 1-10 catchment of Middleton Grange School (Area D).

Hillview Christian School

pdf thumbnailHillview Christian School
Hillview Christian School proposed map
Hillview Christian School Proposed Map

Middleton Grange School

pdf thumbnailProposed enrolment scheme
Middleton Grange School Years 1-8 – Proposed map and areas of interest
Middleton Grange School Y 1-8 Proposed Map and Areas of interest
Middleton Grange School Years 1-8 – Proposed map and areas of interest (Eastern zoom)
Middleton Grange School Y 1-8 Proposed Map and Areas of interest - Eastern Zoom
Middleton Grange School Years 1-8 – Proposed map and areas of interest (Southwest zoom)
Middleton Grange School Y 1-8 Proposed Map and Areas of interest - Southwest Zoom
Middleton Grange School Years 9-10 – Proposed map
Middleton Grange School Y 9-10 Proposed Map
Middleton Grange School Years 11- 13 – Proposed map
Middleton Grange School Y 11- 13 Proposed Map

Note that there are 3 areas of potential overlap with the Year 1-10 catchment of Aidanfield Christian School (Areas B, C, and J). There is 1 area of proposed overlap with the Year 1-10 catchment of Emmanuel Christian School (Area D).

There are 4 areas identified as a proposed overlap between the Middleton Grange School Year 1-8 catchment and that of Rolleston Christian School (Areas N, O, P and Q). Note that the Year 9-10 catchment of Middleton is proposed to include the entirety of the Rolleston Christian School Year 1-8 catchment.

Rangiora New Life School

pdf thumbnailProposed enrolment scheme
Rangiora New Life School – Proposed map
Rangiora New Life School Proposed Map

Rolleston Christian School

pdf thumbnailProposed enrolment scheme
Rolleston Christian School – Proposed map and areas of interest
Rolleston Christian School School Proposed Map and Areas of interest
Rolleston Christian School – Proposed map and areas of interest (Zoom)
Rolleston Christian School School Proposed Map and Areas of interest – Zoom

There are 4 areas identified as a proposed overlap between the Year 1-8 Rolleston Christian School catchment and that of Middleton Grange School (Areas N, O, P and Q). Note that the Year 9-10 catchment of Middleton is proposed to include the entirety of the Rolleston Christian School Year 1-8 catchment.

Frequently asked questions

pdf thumbnailFrequently asked questions

Have your say

Take part in the consultation by clicking on the link below.