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All buildings with a specified system must get a warrant of fitness (BWOF) from their local council every year.
Information about whether your school has a specified system will be in your compliance schedule. You can also get it from your local council.
How to get a building warrant of fitness for your school#
We use Argest to manage BWOFs and compliance checks for all state schools. Their website has information about what needs to be checked and what to expect.
The BWOF certificate must be displayed in a visible place where anyone coming into the building can see it.
It is a legal requirement under the:
- Building Act 2004 – New Zealand Legislation
- Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 – New Zealand Legislation
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Fire Safety, Evacuation Procedures, Evacuation Schemes) Regulations 2018 – New Zealand Legislation.
Property inspections#
Compliance checks#
Argest sub-contractors will visit your school every month or few weeks to do compliance checks. If they find anything that needs to be repaired, they will help you to arrange this. These repairs must be paid for out of your existing funds.
Annual inspection#
Argest will arrange for your school's annual building warrant of fitness inspection 6 weeks before the due date. The inspection done by an Independent Qualified Person (IQP) engaged by Argest.
If no issues are found, the IQP sends the results to Argest, the local council and your school. You will then receive your new BWOF certificate.
It must be:
- printed in colour
- framed
- signed
- displayed in a prominent place, such as a foyer.
If your school fails an inspection#
If issues are found during an inspection, you will get a Work Requirement Notice (WRN). This sets out what work needs to be done to meet compliance and keep your school safe. You must do this work as soon as possible.
You cannot get your BWOF if you have an outstanding WRN. You may also be fined by your council or temporarily closed by Fire and Emergency New Zealand FENZ until the building is safe to occupy.
Argest's Work Requirement Notice (WRN) Assistance Programme can help your school meet compliance. The programme reduces the burden of building compliance on schools and reduces the cost of extra callouts.
All schools are automatically enrolled in the Argest’s Work Requirement Notice Assistance Programme. Argest project manages the WRN remediation work for you, including procurement. This is a free service for schools.
As a part of the programme, fire alarm panel batteries, emergency lightbulbs, exit signs that need replacing in your school, will be replaced at the next site inspection by the Ministry’s supplier at no cost to your school.
Argest has more information about WRNs and the service on their website.
Keep repair records#
You must keep a copy of any repair details in your School Building Systems and Features Compliance Manual for 2 years as a record.
If you change a specified system, you need to notify Argest.
How to pay for compliance work#
To pay for any work needed to meet compliance, you must use your:
- Property Maintenance Grant (PMG) funding for maintenance work.
- 5 Year Agreement (5YA) funding for capital upgrades.
We will not fund or approve capital projects if you have outstanding WRNs to resolve.
If you do not have PMG or 5YA funding available to meet compliance, contact your property advisor.
Mōhiohio anō
More information
If you need help or more information, contact Argest or the property advisor at your regional office.
Email: [email protected]