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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What property modification funding is for

Property modification funding is used to improve access at school for a specific reason. Your school or kura can ask us for funding to allow a new ākonga | student, staff member or frequent school user, such as a caregiver, to perform normal activities at school. You can also apply for a current student if their needs change.

Property modification funding is separate from your school's other capital funding.

The funding is for projects that cost more than $2,500. If an alteration or modification will cost less than that, your school needs to use Property Maintenance Grant funding.

Where funding can be used

Funding can be used to modify an existing space at school. It can also be used at other facilities owned by us such as technology centres.

We may fund fixed pool hoists at swimming pools owned by us. This can be moved with the person who needs it when they go to a new school.

The funding cannot be used for:

  • building new areas beyond your school's space entitlement
  • general health and safety work and maintenance that affects everyone, like repairing uneven surfaces
  • work that was already planned as part of your 10 Year Property Plan (10YPP)
  • work on facilities not owned by us, such as a community swimming pool used by your school.

When to apply

Schools should apply for modifications to property when a student who needs these modifications plans to enrol, or another person needs access to use the school.

Information or a referral could come to your school from:

  • the person who has accessibility requirements
  • an early intervention teacher
  • a learning support practitioner
  • an occupational therapist or physiotherapist
  • parents/caregivers.

If there are concerns about a person's safety, we will arrange a 'serious risk' assessment with your school and recommend solutions.

How to apply

Schools start the process by completing a referral for a property modification.

When you have completed the referral form, send to both your property advisor and the appropriate Learning Support Service Manager.

xlsx thumbnailReferral for a property modification

Instructions for using referral form

  1. For the file you want to view, right click on 'Download'.
  2. Select “Save link as”.
  3. Save it to your device.
  4. From the location you saved it, right click on the file and select “Open in desktop app”.
  5. Start filling in the form to activate the “save” option.

What happens after you apply

One of our property advisors will visit your school to discuss the modifications needed with the learning support practitioner or other specialists, principal, the person who needs the modifications and parents or caregivers.

We will then prepare a property modification report with possible solutions.

Starting the project

If your project is led by your school, your principal must engage a project manager to develop the solutions and a cost estimate to send us for approval. If your project is led by us, we will work with you to develop these.

Your property advisor will coordinate the approval and allocation of funding for the project.

Once approved, your school or the project manager can tender for contractors to do the work. Our project management and approval process must be followed.

Property project procurement process for schools

Property project procurement process for project managers

When the tender is approved construction should begin within 12 months.

If building consent is needed, a professional project manager must be used.

Go to our guidance 'Improving accessibility at schools – levels of service, design standards and guidance for upgrades to school sites and buildings'. This includes guidance on scoping and designing property modifications for accessibility upgrades to school sites and buildings.

Improving accessibility at schools

Signing off the modification

The completed work must meet what was set out in the property modification report. It needs to be signed off by the project manager, property advisor and learning support practitioner.

Unspent funding needs to be returned to us. This can happen if the person needing modifications does not come to your school and work is stopped, or the project comes in under budget.

Future modifications

If the situation for the person needing modifications changes, we may consider further funding. Talk to your property advisor.

  • Education professionals