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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Who is eligible

State and state-integrated schools and kura with an equity index (EQI) of 432 or higher can choose to join the scheme. To join, schools and kura must agree not to ask parents and caregivers for donations (except for overnight camps).

The scheme is designed to ease the pressure and expectations put on households by donation payments.

You can find the EQI for a school or kura on Education Counts.

Schooling equity index – Education Counts

Each year there will be a small number of schools and kura that will become newly eligible to opt-in to the scheme because the following years' EQI is 432 or higher.

If the EQI of a school receiving this funding falls below 432, the board may continue to opt in to the scheme. If the board does not continue to opt in to the scheme annually, it won't be eligible to opt back in unless the school's EQI rises above 432.

The scheme applies to all year levels in a school or kura. The board can't opt in for some year levels only.

How to opt in

Boards of schools and kura that are eligible to opt in must decide each year whether to join the scheme. This decision must be recorded in the board's minutes.

School boards are encouraged to consult with their community when making this decision.

Eligible schools and kura opt in to the scheme for the next school year through the July roll return process.

They can also opt in by submitting a late opt-in form by late November annually.

Teen parent units, activity centres or other attached units, cannot opt in as part of the July roll return process. They can opt in to the scheme by completing the late opt-in form.

How we calculate the funding

We calculate donation scheme funding using a per-student rate based on the previous year's July roll. International or adult students aren't funded.

You can find the funding rate on the operational funding rates page.

Operational funding rates

Funding is paid in the January operational funding instalment.

If a school's March roll is higher than the previous year's July roll, we pay a top-up in the April operational funding instalment.

pdf thumbnailCommon questions about donations scheme
  • Education professionals