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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What funding is for

We provide funding to schools to hold triennial, mid-term and by-elections for school board members. The funding is for the costs of elections, including the returning officer's fees.

How we work out the funding available

The amount of funding available depends on the type of election.

Triennial elections, mid-term elections and by-elections for a parent representative

The funding is calculated using:

  • a base amount, plus
  • a per-student amount multiplied by the current or latest funding roll.
Rates2025 (GST exclusive)
Base funding$710.33
Per-pupil funding – all schools except intermediates$8.14
Per-pupil funding – intermediates$12.17

By-elections for a staff representative

Your board can claim up to $99.53 (GST exclusive) only.

Student representative elections or co-option of members

No funding is available.

When funding is paid

Funding for triennial and mid-term elections is paid in the operational funding instalment.

You will receive 70% of the funding in an instalment before the election. The remaining 30% is paid the next year. You only receive the second instalment if your school held a voting election.


Schools can claim funding for by-elections after the election using the expense claim form.

docx thumbnailSchool board by-elections reimbursement of expenses claim form

Send the completed form and evidence of expenditure to us.

Email: [email protected]

  • Education professionals