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Your school can reduce contractual risk and save money by joining a public sector collaborative contract.
Some savings include:
- workplace and classroom furniture – save an average of 16% on classroom furniture, compared with best prices available outside of the contract
- stationery and office supplies — save between 20% and 35% without committing to bulk orders
- print technology – save approximately 14%
- information technology (IT) hardware – save approximately 14%
- motor vehicles – save approximately 7% compared to the public market.
Other services where your school can get better rates than the public market include:
- electricity
- rental vehicles
- cleaning
- banking.
There are 3 types of collaborative contracts:
- All-of Government (AoG) contracts.
- Common capability contracts.
- Syndicated contracts.
Find out more about the benefits of these contracts and how to manage them.
The New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) website has detail about each type of contract.
Types of contracts – New Zealand Government Procurement
The buying process
Follow this process to buy goods or services through a collaborative contract.
- Follow the procurement rules
Your school is expected to follow the Government Procurement Rules to buy responsibly and achieve public value.
Government procurement rules – New Zealand Government Procurement
If you are involved in buying for your school, you should declare any conflicts of interest so they can be properly and transparently managed.
- Complete a non-disclosure agreement
If your school has not signed up to an AoG contract to buy goods or services before, you will need to complete a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).
To find out if your school has already completed an NDA, contact us.
Email: [email protected]
The NZGP website sets out what your school needs to do to join AoG contracts.
- Connect RealMe to your school
To log into NZGP, you first need to create a RealMe account.
Your school may have a staff member who is responsible for buying. They should link their personal RealMe to the school account on the NZGP website.
Go to the RealMe website to create a login.
- Choose a product or service
NZGP lists the products and services you can buy for your school through collaborative contracts.
Contracts – New Zealand Government Procurement
If you want to buy something that is not covered by NZGP, contact us for advice.
For print technology and associated services (PTAS), and cleaning services, use the templates below. These set out information about your school's needs for providers. Suppliers can then accurately price services.
Print technology contract and quote template for schools
Cleaning specification of requirements template
- Read the memorandum of understanding
You will need to read a memorandum of understanding (MoU) that sets out the obligations for your school in the contract.
You will then be asked to fill in a form of accession (joining form). This confirms your school agrees to the terms set out in the MoU.
- Complete any additional steps, and purchase
Each collaborative contact may have additional steps you need to complete to join or make purchases. NZGP has contract-specific guidance.
Employing new cleaning staff
If your school changes to a new cleaning supplier, they must offer employment to your school's previous cleaning staff. This is required under Part 6A of the Employment Relations Act 2000.
Vulnerable workers – Community Law
Employment Relations Act 2000 – New Zealand Legislation
Buying construction works or services
For construction works or services, follow the school property procurement framework.