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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Under section 134 of the Education and Training Act 2020, all school and kura boards must prepare financial statements as part of their annual report.

Education and Training Act 2020: Section 134 – New Zealand Legislation

Annual financial statements timeline

  1. February/March: The school board prepares and approves the draft annual financial statements and the annual report.

  2. 31 March: Final date for submitting the board-approved draft financial statements to the auditor.

  3. March to May: The auditor provides the audited financial statements to the board.

    1. The board approves the final financial statements.
    2. The principal and board chair sign the statement of responsibility and letter of representation.
    3. The board returns all documents to the auditor.
    4. The auditor signs and issues the independent auditor’s report.
  4. 31 May: The board submits the annual report, including the audited financial statements, to us.

Preparing the annual financial statements

All state and state-integrated schools and kura must use public sector public benefit entity (PBE) financial reporting standards.

To comply with these standards, schools and kura must prepare annual financial statements in the same format as the Kiwi Park model financial statements.

Schools and kura with expenses greater than $33 million are categorised as tier 1 entities and must provide extra disclosures. Refer to the disclosure checklist for tier 1 school guide.

State-integrated schools have to make specific disclosures in their financial statements. Read our guidance for the details.

pdf thumbnailState-integrated schools annual financial statements guidance

Schools and kura with controlled entities must prepare consolidated annual financial statements. They should use the Kiwi Park Group model financial statements.

pdf thumbnailGuidance – group financial statements

Kiwi Park model financial statements and supporting documents

xlsx thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park single model accounts
xlsx thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park single model accounts blank
pdf thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park single school annual financial statement model
docx thumbnailDisclosure Checklist for Tier 1 Schools
xlsx thumbnailTELA lease worksheet

Kiwi Park group model financial statements

xlsx thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park group model accounts
xlsx thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park group accounts model blank
pdf thumbnail2024 Kiwi Park group annual financial statement model

The audit process

For a successful audit the board should:

  • communicate with the auditor at each step of the process
  • allow enough time to produce high quality draft financial statements
  • provide all relevant supporting documentation (your auditor should provide you with a list).

For more information about the audit process, watch the School Audit Process video in the Resources section of this article.

Resources for preparing your annual accounts

Kiwi Park training modules

This is our series of short instructional videos for using the Kiwi Park model.

Introduction: Kiwi Park training module

Introduction to Kiwi Park training module video series

Session 1: Preparing your school trial balance for export

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to prepare a trial balance for export.

Session 2: Import and map your school trial balance for the first

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to import and map a trial balance.

Session 3: Populating the trial balance converter in kiwi park

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to populate the trial balance converter.

Session 4: Populating the inputs worksheet manually

Kiwi park Training module for schools showing how to populate the “Inputs” worksheet manually.

Session 5: Quality checking the financial statements

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to quality check the financial statements.

Session 6: Reviewing the statement of cash flow

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to quality review the Statement of Cash Flows.

Session 7: How to hide rows and notes not required by your school

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to hide Rows and Notes that are not required for your school.

Session 8: Collating and uploading your annual report subtitles

Kiwi Park training module for schools on how to collate and upload your annual report.

Schools annual reporting webinar

These videos give an overview of preparing the annual financial statements and the audit process.

Video 1 - Introduction Ministry of Education

Introduction to video series on managing school finances and annual reporting.

Video 2 - Office of The Auditor General (OAG)

Jane Rogers (OAG) presentation.

Video 3 - School Audit Process - Deloitte

Hamish Anton (Deloitte) presentation.

Video 4 - Preparing Your Annual Report – Ministry of Education

Presentation by Chad Britton on preparing your annual report.

Video 5 - Guidance on Key Areas - Ministry of Education

Presentation by Chad Britton, Ministry of Education.

  • Education professionals