Board responsibilities
Any identified historic heritage features must be identified in your school's 10 Year Property Plan.
If your school is planning any work that could affect a building or a feature with a heritage classification, you must get advice from the property advisor at your regional office. They can also help you identify whether you have a heritage or archaeological site at school.
Historic heritage features
Historic heritage features at your school could include:
- historic buildings
- archaeological sites
- wāhi tapu, urupā and other places of significance to Māori
- trees and landscapes that have historical or cultural associations
- places where significant events happened
- cemeteries and burial places.
The Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 defines historic heritage sites.
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014 – New Zealand Legislation
Heritage and archaeological site lists
Heritage New Zealand and the New Zealand Archaeological Association list some sites.
Search the New Zealand Heritage List – Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga