Complaints policies and procedures#
We have guidance for developing a complaints policy and process, and how to handle complaints.
- GMA1 Display of information – centre-based licensing criteria
- GMA1 Parent access to information – home-based licensing criteria
- GMA1 Display of information – kōhanga reo licensing criteria
- GMA1 Display of information – hospital-based early learning service licensing criteria.
Handling complaints#
If a complaint is made directly to your early learning service, you should follow your complaints policy and procedure.
Anyone can make a complaint if they are concerned or not satisfied with a situation, process or decision at an early learning service.
A complainant may be a current or past parent of the service, a current or past staff member or a member of the public.
If a complaint is made to us#
Learn more about how we investigate complaints and incidents.
Investigating a complaint or incident
Employment-related complaints#
Complaints relating to employment disputes may need a different process or another agency.
For more information about managing employment disputes, see the Labour Inspectorate website.
Labour Inspectorate complaints – Employment New Zealand
All licensed early learning services must have human resource management practices in place.
Find guidance on human resource management for different types of service: