Kei Tua o te Pae

Kei Tua o te Pae/Assessment for Learning: Early Childhood Exemplars is a best-practice guide that will help teachers continue to improve the quality of their teaching.

The exemplars are a series of books that will help teachers to understand and strengthen children's learning. It also shows how children, parents and whānau can contribute to this assessment and ongoing learning.

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Showing 41 - 48 of 48 results for building the bug hotel

Michael: A helper, friend, and brother

Learning story17 September Teacher: Gae

Michael’s mum says he really likes helping at home. He closes all the doors and enjoys helping adults to do tasks.

Michael helps me to get his bottle ready. He opens the fridge, gets his milk and gives it to me, shuts the microwave door, and pushes the buttons.

Short-term review
"Belonging, Goal 1: Children and their families experience an environment where connecting links with the family and the wider world are affirmed and extended."

Te Wh…

The Snipe and the Clam

Child: Samuel

26 March

Daphne has been helping us at kindergarten today. We are getting much better at singing our Chinese song. Samuel has drawn a picture. Daphne tells me it is about one of his favourite Chinese stories. I wrote the story down as she told it to me and we discussed ways in which we could use the story in our programme.

What next?I think we could look for more opportunities for Samuel to represent and tell his favourite story.

24 April

Daphne told me some more details of th…

Fe'ao part 3

Child’s voice

“I put cheese on my pizza. I put some tomato sauce and some tomato. Me and my dad ate my pizza. It was yum.”

Fe‘ao said, “I just take the pizza home with my grandpa. My grandpa is coming over here.

I put the pizza in the box to come home.”

Parent’s voice

Learning story7 June Teacher: Karen

Today, Fe‘ao was working with his friend Sung Hyun. They have been collecting equipment from the shed. Sung Hyun called out to me to look at what they were doing. I went over to see what th…

Collaborative building with unit blocks


‘O le ‘āmataina lenā o le fauina o le fale ta‘avale. ‘Ua fāatutū i luga pou, ma tu‘u i ai laupapa e fola ai.
‘O lenā ‘ua o‘o i le fauina o le taualuga. Tu‘u i ai isi laupapa e ato ai. 

‘Ua fa‘ai‘uina le gāluega, ‘ua tū mai le fale ta‘avale. ‘Ua fa‘asolo atu ta‘avale i totonu e fa‘amomoe.

‘O le faitoto‘a lenā e pito i luma e ō atu ai ta‘avale i totonu. 

Name: Trujon‘O le tulimanu o poloka sa tā‘a‘alo ai Trujon ma tamaiti mātutua. Sā filifili mai na‘o laupapa lāpopo‘a muamua ma fa‘apito i…

"Did they have alarms at your centre?"

Child's name: Jesse

Date: 3 September

Teacher: Wendy

Examples or cues
A Learning Story


Mana whenua
Taking an Interest
Finding an interest here – a topic, an activity, a role. Recognising the familiar, enjoying the unfamiliar. Coping with change.

Jesse: At your centre, did you have sleep time?

Wendy: Yes, we did.

Jesse: Did you have mahi taonga time, too?

Wendy: No, we didn't have mahi taonga time. That is something special we do here.

Jesse: So the children can…

Reels of fun

Date: 13 May

Teacher: Karla

What a fun afternoon we had today, Zach. Who would have thought that so much fun and laughter could have come from those yellow plastic reels?

It was lovely outside on the grass and you were enjoying a nice quiet cuddle when I introduced you to the reels. Together we stacked them up on top of each other, higher and higher until they wobbled. But before they could fall over on their own accord, you reached out and toppled them over yourself – then collapsed into a f…

William’s map drawing

Child: William

Teacher: Jo

22 November

William’s map drawing is amazing! We sat down together and looked at the map that is on the wall at our kindergarten. I asked William if he knew where the kindergarten is on the map. He wasn’t too sure so I showed him Garnet Road and where the kindergarten is. He said to me, “You know where my house is, aye Jo. You have been to my house.” I confirmed this and we then looked on the map to see where William’s house is. We looked at all of the roads and I a…

Fe'ao part 4

While the children were working in the carpentry area, someone started singing “Bob the Builder, Can We Fix It?” This sparked an impromptu music session, and it didn’t take long before we got the tape deck out and had it blasting out the Bob the Builder song. Fe‘ao was boogying away and singing while he constructed his horse. It was great fun! He added the sheepskin ears and decided to use bottle tops for eyes.

When he was showing Jane how his horse worked, its ears fell off. Fe‘ao returned to…