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About Pay Parity
Video summarising pay parity in education and care service (including hospital-based).
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About the pay parity opt-in scheme
The pay parity opt-in scheme is a funding scheme for education and care services, including hospital-based services.
Our pay parity guide has more information about the scheme.
Services that opt in can access higher funding rates for paying their certificated teachers at or above certain minimum salary steps. There are 4 minimum salary scales. We fund services the funding rates that are in line with their chosen salary scale.
The salary scales for certificated teachers are:
- base
- parity
- extended parity
- full parity.
The ECE Funding Handbook has the funding rates for each of these salary scales.
Appendix 1: Funding rates tables
How to calculate pay parity salary steps
How to opt in
Your service can attest to or confirm what you are paying your certificated teachers when you submit your RS7 return. Completing the attestation means identifying that your service has met all the funding conditions for that salary scale.
Your education and care service will receive funding if you meet all of the requirements in the ECE Funding Handbook.
When you prepare your RS7 return, services need to:
- select a minimum salary scale
- sign an attestation to confirm that you have paid all certificated teachers at least the minimum salary amounts for the period of the RS7 return.
When to complete attestations
Your service will complete an attestation 3 times a year for the March, July and November funding rounds to confirm what you are paying certificated teachers. Attestation periods are:
- March funding round: October to January.
- July funding round: February to May.
- November funding round: June to September.
You can submit your RS7 with a different salary scale if you are already paying your teachers at that scale.
Services can opt out of the scheme. To opt out, contact us.
Email: ece.funding@education.govt.nz
We may need to recover funding if your service moves to a lower funded salary scale.
Where to go for help
If you have any questions or need help with the pay parity opt-in scheme, contact us:
Email: ECE.PayParity@education.govt.nz
List of services in the scheme
We publish the full list of services who have opted in to the pay parity scheme on Education Counts. We update the list each funding period with the minimum salary scale each service has attested to paying their certificated teachers on.
Attestation for certificated teachers’ salaries – Education Counts