Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC)

The Early Childhood Advisory Committee (ECAC) fosters our relationship with the early learning sector to help us achieve common goals.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • All early learning services
  • Service managers
  • Educators, teachers and kaiako

ECAC membership

We invite early learning organisations to become members of ECAC. The organisations then nominate a representative.

The organisations represented in ECAC are:

  • Advocates for Early Learning Excellence
  • Barnardos New Zealand
  • BestStart
  • Christian Early Childhood Education Association of Aotearoa
  • Early Childhood Council
  • Early Childhood Leadership
  • Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa New Zealand
  • The Federation of Rudolf Steiner Waldorf Schools in New Zealand
  • Home Early Learning Organisation
  • Hospital Play Specialists Association
  • Montessori Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Ngā Puna Reo o Aotearoa
  • NZEI Te Riu Roa
  • New Zealand Home-based Early Childhood Education Association
  • New Zealand Kindergartens Inc.
  • Playcentre Federation of New Zealand
  • Pasifika Advisory Group
  • Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
  • Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu - The Correspondence School
  • Te Rito Maioha Early Childhood New Zealand.

What happens at ECAC meetings

ECAC meets 4 times each year at the Ministry of Education offices in Wellington. Ministry of Education staff also attend the meeting, and some other education agencies come and observe the meetings.

The meetings allow organisations to:

  • share information
  • give feedback on proposals by the Government, the Ministry and other government agencies
  • talk about difficulties and opportunities facing the sector
  • identify and discuss strategic challenges and opportunities.

Minutes from previous meetings

June 2024

March 2024

December 2023

September 2023

June 2023

March 2023

December 2022

September 2022

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