Self review guidelines

For an organisation to grow and improve the quality of its services it is important it monitors its performance. Ngā Arohaehae Whai Hua/Self-review Guidelines for Early Childhood Education were created with this in mind.

Appendix 2: Planning templates

The planning templates below are provided for teachers to use for teaching purposes.


  • Planned review schedule
    • Timeframe annual  biannual  triannual 


      Our shared vision:
      Our goals/focuses for review over this period Links to legislative requirements Key practices Timeframe

      Meeting accountabilities
      (for example, safety, health, revision of policies, and so on that are not covered above):






  • Review plan
      • What is our review focus?
      • What indicators will we use?
      • Who will be involved?
      • How long will we take?
      • When will we start?
      • What will we gather?
      • What resources will we use?
      • How will we document our review?
  • Plan for change
    • Review focus          
      What did we learn?  
      What decisions did we make and why? What changes do we need to make to our practice?  
      What will be the impact of these changes on people, processes, resources, or the environment?  
      How will these changes benefit children and their learning?  
      Who will be responsible for initiating the changes?  
      What is the time frame for implementation?  
      How will we monitor the impact of these changes?  
  • Focuses of analysis
    • Focus of analysis 6

       Aspect(s) of analysis Individual Interpersonal Cultural/Institutional
        What do we know is happening for the individual in relation to our review focus? What aspects of our review focus do we know are influenced by others in our setting and associated settings? What aspects of our review focus are influenced by features such as the environment, the wider context of our early childhood service, our philosophy, the knowledge that influences what we do, processes such as planning and so on — all of which impact on the individual learner?


  • Child's questions
    • Review focus: 7

      Child's question (examples)
      What should we be doing as adults? What does our information tell us about what we actually do? What changes do we need to make to our practice as a result?
      How do you appreciate and understand my interests and abilities and those of my family?      
      Do you meet my daily needs with care and consideration?      
      How do you engage my mind, offer challenges, and extend my world?      
      How do you invite me to listen, communicate, and respond?      
      How do you encourage and facilitate my endeavours to be part of a group?      

      • 7 adapted from Carr, May, and Podmore, 1998



  • Johari window
    • Review focus 8

      Open Hidden
      What do we all think we know about the focus of our review? What information is transparent and clear? What information did we gather that was previously unknown to some and not to others? What knowledge is still hidden or inaccessible to some?


      Known Blind
      What new knowledge does this information shed on the focus of our review? What information might we remain blind to and why? Are there clues in our information that we could follow up on to gain clarity?
  • SWOT analysis
    • Review focus: 9

      Strengths Weaknesses
      What did we do really well in relation to our review focus and associated indicators? What didn't we do so well in relation to our review focus and associated indicators? Why?


      Opportunities Threats
      What are the potential opportunities this information offers us to improve our practice?     What are some potential risks or dangers to children, adults, and our service if we carry on in the same way? What are some risks or dangers if we don't?