Licensing criteria for kōhanga reo

Kōhanga reo run a total immersion te reo Māori whānau (family) programme for mokopuna (young children) from birth to six years of age to be raised within its whānau Māori, where the language of communication will be Māori.

The operation and decision making of each kōhanga reo are the responsibility of the whole whānau within the guidelines set down by Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board. The trust and the kōhanga reo whānau administer the kaupapa to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the mokopuna and the whānau and to ensure the survival of te reo Māori.

Kōhanga reo are currently chartered to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust and licensed by the Ministry of Education under the Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008.

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008(external link)

The Ministry does not provide guidance for the kōhanga reo licensing criteria. Guidance is available upon request directly from Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust.

Contact us – Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust(external link)

A copy of the criteria can be downloaded from the right-hand column.

The licensing criteria were last updated in September 2022.


  • PF1: Design and layout of premises
    • Premises and facilities criterion 1

      The design and layout of the premises:

      • support the provision of different types of indoor and outdoor experiences; and
      • include quiet spaces, areas for physically active play, and space for a range of individual and group learning experiences appropriate to the number, ages, and abilities of children attending.

      The criterion aims to uphold a minimum level of quality education by ensuring that children have access to an environment that is 'fit for purpose' – that is, can support a range of activities. Quiet spaces and areas for physically active play have been specified because a) by definition they can be 'in conflict' with each other and having both is an indicator of an environment 'fit for purpose', and b) they are current areas of public interest/concern (noise levels and young children’s opportunities for physical activity).

      Amended 21 July 2011

  • PF2: Premises support effective supervision
    • Premises and facilities criterion 2

      The design and layout of the premises support effective adult supervision so that children's access to the licensed space (indoor and outdoor) is not unnecessarily limited.


      The criterion aims to uphold a minimum level of quality education and safety for children by ensuring that the service environment is 'fit for purpose' - that is, the children's use of the environment is not unduly restricted by design limitations that make adequate supervision difficult.

      Amended 21 July 2011

  • PF3: Building Act compliance
    • Premises and facilities criterion 3

      The premises conform to any relevant bylaws of the local authority and the Building Act 2004.

      Documentation required:

      1. Code Compliance Certificate issued under Section 95 of the Building Act 2004 for any building work undertaken, or alternatively any other documentation that shows evidence of compliance.
      2. If the premises fall under section 100 of the Building Act 2004, or section 108 of the Building Act 2004 applies:
        • a copy of the current Annual Building Warrant of Fitness; or
        • a copy of the compliance schedule if 12 months have not elapsed since the compliance schedule was first issued.

      The criterion aims to uphold children's safety and well-being by giving Ministry of Education the ability to suspend or cancel a licence if the premises are not compliant with the Building Act or maintained in good condition (as opposed to a fine being imposed by the local authority under the Building Act which may not address the immediate risk to children attending).

  • PF4: Variety of equipment
    • Premises and Facilities criterion 4

      A sufficient quantity and variety of (indoor and outdoor) furniture, equipment and materials is provided that is appropriate for the learning and abilities of the children attending.


      The criterion aims to uphold a minimum level of quality education by ensuring that children have access to a range of suitable and safe equipment and materials.

  • PF5: Safe furniture and equipment
    • Premises and Facilities criterion 5

      All indoor and outdoor items and surfaces, furniture, equipment and materials are safe and suitable for their intended use.


      The criterion aims to uphold the safety of children by ensuring that all equipment is of a standard that is considered safe.

      Amended 21 July 2011

  • PF6: Flooring
    • Premises and facilities criterion 6

      § Floor surfaces are durable, safe, and suitable for the range of activities to be carried out at the service (including wet and messy play), and can easily be kept clean.


      The criterion aims to uphold a minimum level of quality education as well as safety for children.

  • PF7: Safety glass
    • Premises and facilities criterion 7

      Any windows or other areas of glass accessible to children are either:

      • made of safety glass; or
      • covered by an adhesive film designed to hold the glass in place in the event of it being broken; or
      • effectively guarded by barriers which prevent a child striking or falling against the glass.

      The criterion aims to uphold the safety of children by reducing the risk of them coming into direct contact with broken glass.

  • PF8: Storage
    • Premises and facilities criterion 8

      There are sufficient spaces for equipment and material to be stored safely. Stored equipment and materials can be easily and safely accessed by adults, and where practicable, by children.


      The criterion aims to uphold the safety of children by ensuring that equipment is safely stored. The criterion also aims to ensure that the design of the storage area does not unduly limit the range of experiences on offer to children on a daily basis (particularly in relation to 'pack-away' services).

      Amended 21 July 2011

  • PF9: Adult work space
    • Premises and facilities criterion 9

      There is space for adults working at the service to:

      • use for planned breaks;
      • meet privately with parents and colleagues;
      • store curriculum support materials; and
      • assess, plan, and evaluate.

      The criterion is underpinned by the belief that positive outcomes are achieved for children when adults working at the service have the space and opportunity to plan and reflect, and in the case of all-day services, have their breaks away from children if they wish. The criterion also aims to ensure that a level of privacy, confidentiality, dignity, and respect is available when required for discussions with parents.

      Amended 21 July 2011


  • PF10: Art sink
    • Premises and facilities criterion 10

      § Ø There are hygienic facilities (other than those required for PF26) or alternative arrangements available for the preparation and cleaning of paint and other art materials.


      The criterion clarifies current expectations of Public Health Units in some areas, and is included in requirements to facilitate clarity and transparency for services with regards to what they have to provide. The criterion aims to ensure that facilities uphold hygienic practices.

  • PF11: Telephone
    • Premises and facilities criterion 11

      Ø There is a telephone on which calls can be made to and from the service.


      The criterion aims to ensure that services have the means to contact parents as necessary, and vice versa, as well as easily deal with any emergency situations that may arise.

  • PF12: Heating, lighting, noise, and ventilation
    • Premises and facilities criterion 12

      § Parts of the building or buildings used by children have:

      • lighting (natural or artificial) that is appropriate to the activities offered or purpose of each room;
      • ventilation (natural or mechanical) that allows fresh air to circulate (particularly in sanitary and sleep areas);
      • a safe and effective means of maintaining a room temperature of no lower than 18°C; and
      • acoustic absorption materials, if necessary, to reduce noise levels that may negatively affect children's learning or wellbeing.

      The criterion aims to uphold the safety and wellbeing of children.

  • PF13: Outdoor activity space
    • Premises and facilities criterion 13

      Outdoor activity space is:

      • connected to the indoor activity space and can be easily and safely accessed by children;
      • safe, well-drained, and suitably surfaced for a variety of activities;
      • enclosed by structures and/or fences and gates designed to ensure that children are not able to leave the premises without the knowledge of adults providing education and care;
      • not unduly restricted by Resource Consent conditions with regards to its use by the service to provide for outdoor experiences; and
      • available for the exclusive use of the service during hours of operation.

      The criterion aims to:

      • uphold a minimum level of quality education by ensuring that children have easy access to the outdoor environment;
      • uphold children's safety by ensuring that the outdoor environment is securely fenced so that 'escape' is less likely; and
      • uphold children's safety and a minimum level of quality education by ensuring the area is well-drained and has suitable surfacing.

      The criterion is underpinned by the belief that the opportunity for outdoor play is an important feature of the education and care of young children in New Zealand.

      Amended 21 July 2011

  • PF14: Safe space for Infants and toddlers
    • Premises and Facilities criterion 14


      There are safe and comfortable (indoor and outdoor) spaces for infants, toddlers or children not walking to lie, roll, creep, crawl, pull themselves up, learn to walk, and to be protected from more mobile children.


      The criterion aims to uphold the safety of infants and toddlers as well as a minimum level of quality education by ensuring that mixed-age environments are designed to consider their unique needs.