ELI History

The Early Learning Information (ELI) system project videos describe the consultative approach that the Ministry of Education took with the design and development of the ELI system.

A 4-year journey of ongoing consultation with the early childhood education (ECE) Taskforce and the ECE sector involved regular testing with early learning services and incorporation of their feedback during the development of ELI.

Common terms

ECE: Early Childhood Education

NSN: National Student Number

SMS: Student Management System

Ministry: Ministry of Education

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What is ELI and what are the benefits? Duration: 1 minute, 8 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 33 KB]

Karl Le Quesne, Group Manager ECE talks about why the Ministry has implemented the ELI system for the early childhood sector, and the benefits that ELI will provide with better information about ECE.


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Why do we need ELI? Duration: 1 minute, 41 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 34 KB]

Karl Le Quesne, Group Manager ECE talks about why the Ministry has implemented the ELI system and the benefits that ELI will provide with better information about ECE.

Louise Cole, Senior Teacher, Rudolph Steiner Kindergarten in Wellington talks about why she thinks ELI will benefit the ECE sector and the children attending ECE.  She also tells us how ELI will benefit other early learning services as the change to electronic processes improves access to information and reports.


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The benefit of ECE sector knowledge Duration: 52 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 34 KB]

Rose Cole, ELI Implementation Manager shares with us how she has drawn on her background in the ECE sector during the design and build of ELI.

Beverley Richards, ECE Lead Advisor talks to us about her background in the ECE sector with Playcentre and the Hutt City Kindergarten group, and how she has been able to contribute to the design and build of ELI in an advisory role.

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ECE sector feedback in the early stages Duration: 1 minute, 56 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 35 KB]

David Va’afusuaga, Financial/Admin Manager, Pasifika Services in Auckland shares how his service was involved in providing feedback on early versions of ELI and how those changes were then made.

Beverley Richards, ECE Lead Advisor tells us how the Sector Reference Group, made up of representatives from different service types, were involved throughout the design and build of ELI.

Kate Whitwell, NZ Playcentre Federation talks about how the Ministry has worked with Playcentre from the early stages of ELI to minimise the impact on their services.

Also featuring images of staff from Montessori Steiner in Napier, Pasifika Services in Auckland and Wellington-based Playcentre Associations.

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Working with the ECE sector to implement ELI Duration: 2 minutes, 55 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 37 KB]

Jenny Aldous and Karen Nathan, HR Admin Support, Auckland Kindergarten Association, speak about how they worked with the Ministry as part of a pilot on preparing guides for their services about National Student Numbers (NSNs).

Heidi Greenwood, Principal, Moriah Kindergarten, Wellington, talks about the importance of early learning services taking part in pilots to ensure that systems work for both early learning services and the Ministry.  She explains how easy she found ELI Web to use.

Louise Cole, Senior Teacher, Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten, Wellington, shares how she found being part of the pilot, the opportunity to provide feedback on ELI, and how ELI would impact her service.  Louise also tells us about the workload and the support in place for ELI Web users.

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What we want to achieve Duration: 2 minutes, 26 seconds Download the transcript [DOC, 36 KB]

John Oldroyd, Programme Manager ECE, talks about what the Ministry wants to achieve from the information collected by ELI, how the allocation of NSNs are crucial to ELI, and how this will allow a better understanding of ECE.                                              

Karl Le Quesne, Group Manager ECE offers insight as to how services can use their ELI information such as for planning staffing levels.  He also talks about how ELI will allow the Ministry to focus efforts on children not getting the opportunity to attend ECE and how it will help to prove the benefits of ECE.

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