electronic Attendance Register (eAR): tracks attendance

How to use the electronic Attendance Register (eAR), applying to get it, codes for recording attendance and resources about using it.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Boards
  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Administrators


electronic Attendance Registers (eAR) are the only-approved Ministry method for recording attendance on your Student Management System (SMS). eAR is part of a school's SMS and provides student attendance data in a consistently coded format. The software also contains a powerful analysis tool that can create many and varied statistical reports.

Getting the best out of eAR

To maximise the impact of using eAR, you need to develop a reliable attendance management process and ensure staff accurately complete their data entry every day.

The 2009 Attendance Survey showed that approximately 16% of students (35,000) in secondary schools are absent part or all of each day. This includes all reasons and durations of absence.

Teachers enter this data in eAR on a period-by-period basis and then school staff verify the reasons for the absence.

Applying to use eAR

To apply to use eAR you must complete an Application to use electronic registers form.

Attendance registers

Resources about using eAR

These resources help you introduce eAR into your school.

Attendance codes

The Attendance Code Set is a list of the codes and how to apply them.

Attendance Code explanations (October 2022) [PDF, 182 KB]

The sheet explaining attendance codes includes examples of when to use each one.

If you have any questions, please consult the Attendance page of Education Counts.

Attendance page – Education Counts(external link)

eAR template policies and protocols

These templates provide a starting point for schools wanting to introduce or update attendance policies and protocols.

3 samples of attendance policies [DOC, 29 KB]

3 samples of attendance protocols for primary schools [DOC, 66 KB]

3 samples of attendance protocols for secondary schools [DOC, 44 KB]

eAR frequently asked questions

The eAR frequently asked questions document covers:

  • the background and development of eAR
  • how to implement eAR
  • the advantages of eAR.

eAR frequently asked questions [PDF, 91 KB]

eAR tips for best practice

The following document contains suggestions and advice from experienced practitioners and is suitable for all schools.

Attendance management – Tips for best practice [DOC, 253 KB]

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