Verification process for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS)

Learn about the application verification process for the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme. This page provides a breakdown of the process, timelines and information about who the verifiers are.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Educators, Teachers and Kaiako
  • Principals and Tumuaki
  • All Early Learning Services
  • Learning Support Coordinators and SENCOs
  • Learning Support Specialist Staff
  • Parents, Caregivers and Whānau
  • Boards
  • Non-Government Agencies
  • Disability Sector

When an application is made for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding, eligibility will be determined by a team of verifiers who follow a specific process.

About the verifiers for ORS

Ministry’s ORS verifiers are experienced in learning support in the early childhood, primary and secondary education sectors. Each verifier also has additional expertise in a particular area of learning support.

Verifiers work to high professional standards. To make sure their decisions about eligibility are impartial, each verifier works from a separate location. They report to the Ministry’s Manager of Assurance and Eligibility.

The ORS verification process for Early Childhood and Schools applications

Verifiers consider the information in an ORS application against the ORS criteria, applying them consistently regardless of where the child is to attend or attends school.

The verification process usually takes 15 working days, but can be longer if the verifiers request more information to help them make a decision, or at peak period times.

Once the verifiers make a decision, a letter is sent to the parents/whānau or caregiver and the early intervention centre or school.

Steps in the verification process

  1. Three verifiers independently consider each application.
  2. Each verifier records their independent decision. The three verifiers then discuss the application and make a unanimous decision.
  3. The verifiers record the consensus decision on a national database and advise the educator and the parents/whānau or caregiver of the outcome of their application in writing.
  4. If the verifiers don’t have enough information to reach a decision, they ask the educator to provide more information.
  5. When the information is received the decision process is repeated with each verifier independently considering the additional information.

If the three verifiers are unable to reach an agreement, the application is considered independently by the full panel of available verifiers.

The ORS verification process for Early Childhood very high needs applications

Verifiers consider the information in an ORS application against the ORS criteria, applying them consistently regardless of where the child is to attend school.

The verification process usually takes fifteen working days but can be longer at peak period times.

Steps in the verification process

  1. The full panel of available verifiers independently consider the application.
  2. Each verifier records their independent decision. The panel of verifiers then discuss the application and make a unanimous decision.
  3. The verifiers record the consensus decision on a national database.
  4. When a child is verified Very High a letter is sent to the parents and the early intervention centre and school (if provided).
When the information provided in the application form doesn’t indicate a child meets ORS at the Very High level ...

Then ...

BUT there is sufficient information in the application to include the child at the High needs status

The child will be verified High

However, if the team still considers the child meets the Very High criterion the parents may request the completion of a full Early Childhood application

AND there is insufficient information in the application to include the child at High needs status

The child will not be ORS verified

However, if the team still considers the child meets the Very High criterion the parents may request the completion of a full Early Childhood application

Note: Observation visits are not available for applications completed on the Early Childhood very high needs application.

Observation visits

If verifiers are unable to reach a decision on the basis of all application/s for a student or child, an Individual Observation visit by two verifiers to the early childhood centre or school may be undertaken.

These two verifiers will then report their observations and any findings from reviewing documentation to the other verifiers. After that, the decision process is repeated and the verifiers' report is included as part of the information about the child or student's needs.

Go to the observation visit process to find out more about how audit visits are carried out.

Observation visit process for ORS

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