Property data and asset management systems

Access your school’s property data via the Property Portal and Helios Portal.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • School administrators
  • Principals and tumuaki
  • Project managers and administrators
  • Boards
  • General public

Administrators and schools need to request a logon and complete training in order to access and enter data into the property portal systems. 

Property Portal

Property Portal contains the following applications, information and data listed below.

Property Portal(external link)

Property Maintenance Grant (PMG)

Schools can view the details of their annual PMG.

School Property Guide (SPG)

Schools can work out whether they have space they’re entitled to.

Notional Lease

Access the latest notional lease information for schools.

Helios Portal

Schools, project managers, property project administrators and 10YPP consultants can access detailed school property data including site plans, programme and project data, and reporting.


For schools to submit staff inspection confirmations and water testing results.

Project Management

Requirements for all school property projects.

System Notifications

Details of recent Ministry system issues and outages.

For reports and data that aren’t available on the Property Portal, contact your local Ministry office. 

Local Ministry office

Helios portal

How to get access to Helios for the first time | Applications & Online Systems(external link)

For principals, board chairs and executive officers

We provide an online access point via your Education Sector Logon (ESL) to property information for your school.

  • Your ESL delegated authority will request access to the Helios Portal on your behalf.
  • Visit the Education Services website for more information about access levels and the application process.

Education Services website(external link)

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